I want the site to be lean, fast, and responsive.
- A modified version of the Minimal theme is used.
- No cookies, tracking or analytics.
- Third party libraries/frameworks are kept at a minimum and most are loaded from the CloudFlare JavaScript CDN. These are jquery and bootstrap 3.
- The Open Sans font is used, but served locally from the site and not from Google Fonts (which does some fingerprinting).
- MathJax is used for typesetting math when needed.
- Some tweaking was needed to make the site look good on mobile devices, especially going from one to two columns in the drop-down navigation menu as well as various small changes.
- The one fancy thing is the color changing thin top and bottom bar, going from blue to very dark blue during the week.
- The image gallery is made with hugo-shortcode-gallery.
- A QR code can be generated which points to the current site, made with qrcodejs. This requires the
function from jquery, which prevents us from using the slim version of jquery.
This results in a pretty good score on the web.dev page quality measure of 97, 96 and 100 of the performance, accessibility and best practices categories, respectively.